Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rumours and Hints

It sounds like they have started planning on what will be happening in the department after the big redesign project finishes.

Richard the CTO mention the he knows that I should be official Senior Dev (promoted) and better paid as everyone (who?) agrees that I'm already filling that role in the company.
He had a quick chat with me about the shape of the new teams.

Rob say in the pub the other night about how I'm important to the team and in a Senior position

I was thinking three different things as both these conversations were going on
1) this is all 6 months late
2) I wonder what will happen when I tell them about the skiing
3) I'm still angry about what they did.
4) with this company I'll believe it when I have it in writing.

So things may be happening soon. Fingers crossed
Hopefully before I have to give them the big news.

The factors that are governing that are
1) I don't want them to know until after the (postponed now by about 3 months) review so it won't effect what they say
2) I want my pension check for this half year in the bank so they can't pull a fast one.
3) I have to give them 1 months notice so my absolute deadline is the start of December.

still they are very busy at the minute so I'm not expecting any real news soon...

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