Thursday, September 14, 2006

A little time off

For the first time since Feb I going to be away for the next few days. Work and all it's crazy deadlines and missing bits of development can wait until next Tuesday when I come back. I can decide whether it would be better if people find they need me and want answers to things while I'm away or that I'm not needed because I've done a good job in educating people about my Customisation system and left it running in a very stable state.
Customisation hasn't had an real bug raised against it during the whole of the testing process so far. A couple of issues raise for bits of extra functionality but a 'clean sheet' for the stuff we created before testing started.

Anyway I digress, I'm off to Centre Parks on holiday with the whole family. Mum and Dad, Emma, Olly and Ivy, Claire, Ed and Freddy. That's Seven Adults and Two kids so I hope its a big chalet. We sorted out a great gift for my mum and should have a top celebration. I'm planning on mostly running, swimming and sitting around.

Should be great!

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