Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Flat

One of the things I'm trying to sort out is what should I do with my flat while I'm away. There are several options on this; nothing, take a payment holiday from my Mortgage, try and let it out or sell it.
The best option would be to let it out and get loads of money for it but of course I'll have to square things with the Mortgage company Nationwide. So I'm off at lunch time to set up a meeting and take some advice.

Ideal would be yes you can take out 7 grand to cover the ski course (remind me to explain about that!) and take a 3 month payment holiday and let me let out the flat while I'm away.

I've been overpaying the Mortgage for the last couple of years by 400 a month so that should give me some lea way to deal.

Currently I've just finished a two year +0.09 base rate tracker so I need to sort something out as I'm paying 20quid extra a month just for being on the banks base rate.


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