Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Power of Facebook

Every now and again something happens that puts a contrast between how we used to do things and how stuff happens today. and I'm not talking about a long time in the past either.

An example would be, I can remember when if you wanted to meet up with someone you would agree a time and a place and then you would turn up on time. Not like today with our mobiles and our 'I'm running late' texts.

Anyway the horrible earth quake in NZ was another one of those moments. One of the side effects of living in a city like London is that you get to know people from all over the world. So when some thing like the quake happens the chances you know people effected is quite high and long with it the need for news and to know people are OK.

Fortunately this is were Facebook is golden. By the power of social media everyone connected with the area could post an update or answer a message to say that they and theirs were fine or not even in the area. It gave quick piece of mind to those of us on the other side of the world, who otherwise might not find out details for a very long time.

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