Monday, March 31, 2008

Valuation Weekend

As part of my plan for selling my flat and moving to some thing bigger (2 bedrooms) I needed to get the flat valued.So on Saturday I had a day sitting around waiting for estate agents to call and value the flat.

I picked three agents partly because they were local and partly because the were on the bigger property websites (, and in the case of the last one because they have just sold a flat in my block and the sold board is nailed to the front.

First up at 10am (and me with a hangover from a pretty good works night out) was a lady from Rubicon. They are the nearest agent, at about 10 doors down the road. She had a good look around, made notes and quoted a price of 215K.

Next Up at 1pm was a chap from Alex Neil, the company I used as a managing agent while I was letting the flat out, they quoted 220-225K partly based on a load on flats nearby on for 230K which were a bit smaller but had water views (a big thing in docklands where I live if you can see the river Thames or a bit of one of the dock the price goes up) and partly on other units they had sold in my block.

Finally at 2:30pm just as a huge rain storm started was the posh lady from Franklin James. She completely turned me around by say I shouldn't try and market the property above 250K (I hadn't planned on it after the first two estimates) but the flat was a good size and she quoted 245K.

They all said the market is still quite good and that a flat like mine would sell in 4-6 weeks. They also all explained about getting a HIPS pack and about sole agent agreements.

It was all very interested and quite fun once the hangover had gone. I'll now have to sit down and think my options through.

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