Managed another 'must see before you die' event. I got to see the Prodigy live at the Brixton Academy.
It was great stuff they play all the classic you could think of and a load of the new stuff (which is good) as well.
They looking fine shape for a band from way back when. Keith and Maxim look just as much the tattooed nutters as ever.
Despite my dodgy knees I got completely carried away and spent most of the gig right in the front of the mosh pit. I got to touch the Keith as he reached out to the crowd and I definitely could breathe from the crush and shouting during breathe.
It must have been the maddest biggest mosh pit I've ever been in as you could keep hold of your drink or avoid the rush even towards the back of the main floor.
I was right there for firestarter and my brain is now seared with the close up view of Keith doing he bit for the crowd and screaming 'I'm the firestarter'!
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