Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Firestarter ! - Touch the Keith

Managed another 'must see before you die' event. I got to see the Prodigy live at the Brixton Academy.

It was great stuff they play all the classic you could think of and a load of the new stuff (which is good) as well.

They looking fine shape for a band from way back when. Keith and Maxim look just as much the tattooed nutters as ever.

Despite my dodgy knees I got completely carried away and spent most of the gig right in the front of the mosh pit. I got to touch the Keith as he reached out to the crowd and I definitely could breathe from the crush and shouting during breathe.

It must have been the maddest biggest mosh pit I've ever been in as you could keep hold of your drink or avoid the rush even towards the back of the main floor.

I was right there for firestarter and my brain is now seared with the close up view of Keith doing he bit for the crowd and screaming 'I'm the firestarter'!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

My that's a big Chopper

Relaxing in the park is meant to be a quiet time but the other day we (a group of us at work) were sitting having lunch in the small bit of green grass in a square near the office, behind John Lewis on Oxford Street when, we became aware of a helicopter in the area.

We watched it for a bit as it circled around quite and then left.

Next thing we knew the chopper was back as it appeared low over the top of the buildings at the edge of the square.

'My that's a bit low isn't it!'
'Looks like the Air Ambulance'

at this point a siren started coming from the copper

'Er its getting nearer'
'Yeah, that's quite close'
'Oh Crap its going to land here!'
'Er I think we better move'
'Yeah, lets'

So our lunch ended in an unusual manner. It got very loud and very windy and all the people in the park scattered and the helicopter landed, in order, we found out later, to help someone at a car accident on Oxford St.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Beyond the Warrenty

How can you tell when you've been in a flat too long?

When everything starts to break.

It will be 10 years in September that I've been in my flat and some of the electrical items seem to want to celebrate by breaking down. The washing machine decided it didn't want to tumble dry anymore quickly followed by the light in the kitchen and then because I was trying to reason with the washing machine the handle on the cooker broke off.

OK the last one was my fault as I hit it with the washing machine as I got it out to try and fix it. You'd be amazed how tricky it can be to use an oven without an way to open the door. I tried to superglue the thing back on but funnily enough the door gets hot so the glue melts.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Da Management

After all the argo I've had with the management company of the flat. I find out the other day our residents association board have decided to fire them! without telling anybody. Apparently this is mainly due to always getting a call centre when you rang them up.

So we have joined the Alliance! Alliance Managing Agents that is which look like they cost a bit more but on the plus side may actually do stuff.

Just don't tell Darth Vader...