This weeks trip to the physio, or jolly psycho as I've started to think of him, was a bit different.
The session was mostly with me standing on a balance board (basically a round board with half a football under it) trying to keep up right while Nipun threw balls at me a different angles for me to catch.
The idea was to make me bend and weave from my knees. It was a bit scary to start with due to a complete lack of trust in my knee but once we got started it was OK and much less of a problem than I was expecting. I guess that was the point!
When he wasn't playing ball, but still on a wobble board (this time a square one with a fixed bar under it) getting me to stand on one foot (my good one), we were mostly talking about letting flats in London! yeah odd, but he ask me about mine and he was of the opinion Ilford was the place to buy in so there!
The other important exercise for me to concentrate on this time was the hamstring stretch. Its not too bad for normal motion but anything more the hamstring is tight. last time I was told to sit in a chair and raise the leg up until I felt the hamstring stretch and hold it for 20. this should take about 6 weeks of doing it every day to get the hamstring back to a good length. However I didn't seem to be having much success. The Physio corrected my posture and told me to sit up straight and not slouch and right away I could feel the pull. bit obvious really but you try remembering all the stuff they say!
To top it all the wobble board fun last major thing he told me, after watching me walk up and down for a bit, was that I should start jogging again. Eek! its a year since I done anything more than a fast walk so this a major step. The feeling at the moment is that if I put to much weight on the leg too fast it will give way and I will crash to the floor. So I'm going to take it real easy.
I went to the gym that evening a did 1K on the running machine, very slowly 6.0KM/h and boy did my leg hurt the day after.
On Sunday I did 1.5K at 7.0 KM/h and so far it feels OK.
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