I'm not the greatest player on the planet as was demonstrated by my need not to play any further games after the first round.
During the night and as I've noticed more since, quite a few people have complemented me on my wide range of walking sticks. Trouble is though, I've only got two so I'm not sure what's going on.
One is my Mums (A simple wood stick with a easily gripped handle) from when she injured her leg a while ago. The other is my Dad's from Austria, from when injured his foot on some coral on the Great Barrier Reef, it black wood with lots of cool carvings on it (very voodoo/mojo).
Still I suppose its a talking point and I'm getting a little fed up with the question 'So how long will you be needing the stick for?', as I've still now word from the doctors about my scan results!
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