Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Strategy Day - After

Well it wasn't too bad. definately a long day and a real lot of talking.
I managed to say everything I want to say and we will now have to wait and see if anything comes from it.

I just want the company to invest in the staff a little more so that they won't just keep leaving. I've been here two years and its hard to even get them to do the odd team get together.

The irony is that I'm planning my exit (if hopefully only temporary) so most changes aren't likely to effect me.

Another interesting development is that now the project deadline is getting a little tight, Gordon the project manager has been asking people if the will come and work at the weekends. I've avoided the question so far but will refuse to do it.

My reason for this is that I'm not giving any more to this company until it gives something back to me. For the same reason I plan to refuse the personal review process so they can't use it to justify not improving my conditions (which is what happened in Feb) and I'm still waiting on them to get back to me about the pay review from then, which was less than inflation and so in real terms a pay cut.

A nasty suprise when you thought you were working hard all year and get stuff done.

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